Thursday, February 21, 2008

Valentine's Day

This is pretty delayed, but I've been busy with Expressions and Zach has had a sort of rough work schedule this week. I just wanted to share with everyone the sweet things my sweet husband did for me on that special day.

He got me the cutest pink tulips, a funny card, and who would have thought...a hunk of chocolate shaped like a rainbow trout. :)

This is a picture of the really special valentine's day gift he got for me this year...:D!

For those of you who don't know the story...this is a replacement engagement ring for the one I lost only 6 weeks after we got married. It is such a sweet special gift. This is what it looks like on my hand with my wedding ring. :)


Tiffany Rose said...

yea! So sweet.... Way to go bro!

Anonymous said...

Yup -- he's definitely the romantic type. How sweet! Ya did good, Zach!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Good job Zach. Glad you all had a nice Valentine's Day. The ring is very beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Love the chocolate trout! And the ring wasn't bad either. Way to go Zach. Miss you guys!

Matthew and Lindsay said...

Ohh! I bet you are so "Scited" Go Zach! I think the trophy is back in your court now! The rainbow trout is priceless! I can't wait to see that ring in "person!" Only 6 days!!!!