Go ahead and ask my why I picked this title. I don't know. Today is my wife's Birthday!!! It's a great day for celebrating. Last night I carved a "Happy Birthday" pumpkin for her and gave it to her at midnight. I think it could quite possibly be the coolest thing that I have ever made. And rightfully so seeing as it was giving to the coolest person I know.
I just thought this was a funny picture...

Ok now really this is what its all about... in the words of my infamous nephew...SHOOT BIG BUCK!
This is the world's largest birthday cake and I made it for Cassandra in our baby oven. It took sometime but with the help of some fearless friends (Adam and Eric) we made it work...I love You Cassandra!
you're funny and your blogs are random! What a cool idea to carve a happy bday pumpkin! You should take pics of it and put it on here! :) Love you guys
Hey Zach and Cass, Birthday pumpkin is a great idea. Hope we get to see it! Hope you knee is feeling better. Cassandra, Happy Birthday! We love you! Mom
Hey, I can leave a comment now! Cool. I tried before, but it wouldn't let me.
Happy B'day Cass!
See y'all Sat.
love you
pappa haw
21 yrs old!! , Yea...BEER
Don't get arrrested for contibuting to the deliqency of a minor!
Hey Zach I didn't know that Cassandra had so many friends in WV. Did you pay them to come to the party? The house must have been really hot with that baby oven running 24 hours a day. Happy Birthday sweet baby sister! I can't wait to see you today and give you a big birthday hug, cause that's all I have to give these days.
We don't "blog", but we love...so very much. Happy B'day and we will be seeing you "live and in person" today. Just can not wait!!!
great post!
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