Sunday, April 01, 2007

Here ya go Papa Haugh!

Zach and I are here in Mannington this weekend...and I found some pictures on Kevin's computer that I could post. For some reason I feel that a post is not important enough to post if there are no pictures.

This first picture was our 'labor day' weekend trip to Deep Creek. The two newly married couples enjoy some hot tubbin'.

Here's a picture of Lindsay and Matt after the feast of '06 and before the kickball game of a lifetime.

I was just telling Zach when I saw this picture that I thought it might be the most attractive picture of the two of us that I've ever seen and I hadn't seen it until just now.

And here's a picture of me and Lindsay at the rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding.
Family is so important and God has blessed us with a bountiful amount. When my computer gets fixed, I'll post some more.


Tiffany Rose said...

yea! Love the pics, and good to see some pics that I've never seen either! :)

Anonymous said...

FINALLY...after weeks and weeks of no new blogs I was really worried:)
Hope yer new "baby" behaves this week! Y'all take good care of my buddy!
Zach--awesome weekend of fishin'! Just what I've been lookin' forward to all winter!
Thanx for the encouraging visit...always too short.
Love you two!

Matthew and Lindsay said...

Love the pics, didn't know the puter was broken. SOOO sad, but still better than dial up!!! What was papa haugh talking about your new buddy????

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is a very attractive picture of the two of you. Of course, there's so much to work with, and I don't think I've seen a bad picture of you two. Some are pretty hilarious, but not bad! Hope Steve-Boy is behaving! Love you guys sooo much. Why do we always save the most intense conversations for the last 5 minutes of the visit!!!