Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Lindsay!

Today is my big sister, Lindsay's birthday.
She and I have always been friends, but more recently we have become very close because we had an opportunity to depend on one another more than usual. Over the past several months we had lots of sleepovers and even more "meet-up/hang-outs" our time spent together also allowed Zach and Matt to become friends, which I love and I know Zach really loves. Our meetings usually ended with great stories that will be fun to tell our kids and have already proved fun for us to tell to other family members. For example,

The tale of Vondegren the campsite horse ,

Stick Biscuits...oops, butter biscuits ,

The LOST marathon ,

Rita's ,
The Suprise Soccer Game Visit ,

The Mattress Factory,

The Aviary and the bird that attacked Dad,
Handel's icecream in 17 degree weather just because we can ,
The Bob Evans Dessert Extravaganza .

I love you, Lindsay and we hope you have a wonderful day!

sorry, I don't have pictures of just you and me.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!!!

Matthew and Lindsay said...

Ha!! Thanks I love you so much and miss all of the fun we were just beginning to have. Bob Evans made me laugh out loud!!! You are the best and I love that our boys really like each other too!! Thanks for the lion laugh as well. You ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Lindsay! We NEED another visit from you guys!