So, we haven't exactly been keeping up with the postings. Life has been a world wind of a blast and it's kind of weird to think that what just happened could be called a summer. Whatever happened to summer vacation

and trips with the family

and feeling so bored

because it had been such a lazy summer. My mind is about to explode trying to think about what I need to update everyone on. There is so much that has been happening that I will inevitably forget at least 15 things so bare with me. Cassandra and I have moved from Maumelle to Searcy and we are renting a nice little house on 604 N. Hussey St. you can google maps the address and get a street view if you so desire. We actually live 3 houses down from cousin Tara but because we all are going 150MPH in different directions we never really get much time to see each other. The last few weeks have been swamped with getting the house ready. We are starting to feel more comfortable in this house, but poor Steve (our lab) is not fairing to well on the wooden floors. One of the main reasons we were talking about moving was because the drive and the cost of gas was getting out of hand for me and this semester was only going to be worse. We still had to figure out what to do about money and just like always God comes through for us and Cassandra lands a job with Capstone Treatment Center

in Judsonia. This is were I work on Fridays and were I hope to be working after this program is over. I went from at least 2 hours a day in the car to only getting in a car once a week or so. I ride my bike

to school and anywhere else I can and I love the change. Here are some pictures from the summer. I hope to do better at updating in the future.
There was a lot of fishing this summer.

Cassandra fishing the culverts at Gin Creek

Josh and I with a bass he caught and a gar I shot with my bow

Me at Lake Willastein

Steve taking a break from fishing on a sandy beach on the Arkansas River. He hasn't been doing to well. He is back on steroids which seem to be the best for him right now.

Steve taking another break on our blow up mattress. We had to use this as our couch for the first few weeks but we have a nice couch now from Cassandra's brother Nick.

Cassandra and I went back to Jasper for our 3 year anniversary and stayed in the same cabin as we did on our honeymoon.

We went camping/jug fishing with Matt and Lindsay and baby Graham on a beach on the Arkansas River.

These are some flowers for our new house. Hopefully we will be able to post more pictures of the house later.

Then we went to The Avett Brothers concert in Little Rock and let me tell you something, it was awesome! They are such a great band and if you haven't heard them you need to quickly.

Our seats were dead center, second row. We hadn't planned on going because of the price of tickets but at the last minute a friend called and told us she had 2 extra tickets we could have for free!!! I know, crazy!!! Anyway, they might be my favorite band right now.
We do not have internet at our house so whenever we do blog again it will have to be done here at the counseling center but hopefully that won't be to long from now.
I want to see pictures of your new house! Thanks for the update. I hope things are slowing down, or atleast coming to a predictable pace for you guys. We love you and miss you bunches. Whats this i hear about not coming home for Christmas??!?!?! I will guilt you into coming, don't worry.
What a great update. Really enjoyed reading about stuff I kinda already knew, but it was great to see pictures. I really am looking forward to Thanksgiving. Christmas...we'll talk about, o.k. Love you guys so very much!
YEA! I loved your update. You two are just precious, and I look forward to when I can see you again.
Oh, so glad to hear all the things you are doing. I had heard second or third hand that you had moved, but I didn't know where. I didn't realize it was even in Searcy!! So next time when I/we are there, we hope to see you. Glad for the new job for Cassandra. God provides, doesn't he?? Love you two so much.
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