Monday, October 13, 2008

Tanner is 4-years-old!

We all went up to Jonesboro for Tanner's 4th birthday last weekend. There was racing, cake, presents, decorations and DRUMS!

The boys line up and they're off.

Easton is winning!

Our AWESOME decorations!

Me and Zachy at the par-tay!

Tanner's super-cool snare-drum cake.

Tanner and his drumming cake.

We all had a great time, missed you Matt and Lin!


Matthew and Lindsay said...

Man, that cake is awesome! I'm glad I got to see his drums this week, he can really rock out!

Tiffany Rose said...

that cake is awesome! Did someone in your family MAKE that?
Oh and I miss you guys terribly... even though I just saw you weeks ago.

Think about taking us up on our CA offer! :) Love you